Archive | April, 2012

Easter 2012

30 Apr

I know… I’m just about three weeks late. Can’t believe it’s already May (tomorrow).  So I’m finally uploading some pictures from my brand new Canon that I got for Christmas. I’m in love with it and I’m trying to get tons of practice.

This Easter was great. I’ve always loved holidays. I love spending the time with my family and that everyone gets together. We spent the morning at church. I broke out the trombone and joined with some others to play along with the hymns. Then we went to my mom’s side of the family for egg hunting and dinner.

Loving this picture of my brother-in-law with all the eggs.

I love egg hunts! The kids are so cute hunting for all the candy and eggs. The adults have a great time pelting one another with the candy that is left over. Let me tell you… Candy being thrown at your head is painful!

Kids came out and the yard was swept for any sign of goodies.

My little cousins (the ones who hunted) range in age from 5 (now 6) to 14. The older ones still in driving range (ages 18 to 28) got really cute ceramic bunnies from Crate and Barrel filled with Cadbury mini eggs! The adults enjoyed the egg hunt just as much as the kids!

Eggs had to be sorted: Money in one pile and jelly beans in another.

After a delicious dinner (which included my absolute favorite thing… sticky buns), we went over to my dad’s side. They had some great desserts and company!

That was my Easter 2012. Who wants to have a town-wide Easter egg hunt with me next year? I think its sounds fabulous!
